Cocoa Hummus

Cocoa Hummus

It seems that as the summer ends, return holiday, begins a new course or return to work… but do not worry, today we bring you this cocoa hummus that is as rich as it is nutritious, so that you take strength and the return becomes less hard.

It is very quick to prepare and you can also use it in many ways: a spoon in your breakfast porridge, on some toast in the middle of the morning or at snack, mixed with yogurt, as a chocolate coating on your cakes,… or spoonfuls, because it has such a rich flavor and a mousse texture that you are going to love it.


INGREDIENTS for the cocoa hummus


Cocoa hummus ingredients


  • 150 g anacardos (cashews or cream if you prefer to buy made, but later we explain how to do it in a few minutes).
  • 70 g water.
  • 400 g of cooked chickpeas Legourmet.
  • 1 spoon vanilla flavor.
  • 3 dates.
  • 70 g of extra virgin olive oil.
  • 3 spoons pure defatted cocoa powder.


Legourmet Miau Chickpeas




Cashew cream

We only need the cashews, a pinch of salt (optional) to enhance its flavor and a food processor, mixer or food processor, what you have.

The key is to crush the cashews and salt at medium-high speed for 45 seconds, about as this will depend on the machine you use each. After an average speed down and we continue mashing until the cashews will start releasing oils and to form cream. Approximately 2-3 minutes.

Note: If all content to the vessel walls of the mixer and the blades will remain spinning alone, just stop the machine, the remains down into the blades and put it back on medium speed. Repeat this operation until the cream forms.


Cocoa Hummus

Once the cashew paste is prepared, Add the rest of the ingredients to the blender and blend at maximum speed for 1 minute.

Note: If you prefer a slightly lighter texture you can add a little more water.



As you can see, it is a very simple recipe that is prepared in a few minutes. I hope you are encouraged to try it and that you like it as much as we do!!


Cocoa Hummus


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