Potatoes stuffed with vegetables

This time we bring you a video recipe for potatoes with chickpeas fill Legourmet, they are tender and plump, and some vegetables.

We give you the idea and you can always vary it to your liking 😉


Go for it!


Stuffed Potatoes INGREDIENTS



  1. Salpimentamos potatoes and wrap in baking paper silver. We introduce in the oven at 200 degrees for 1 hour 30 minutes or until we click with a fork and see what are tender.
  2. While, in a skillet saute the vegetables we. We put a plover oil in a pan and when hot add the chopped garlic.
  3. We left a couple of minutes and add carrots, a medium-high with the lid until it begins to be blandita.
  4. Then add the mushrooms / mushrooms and chickpeas and season. Sauté until the garbanzo begins to brown a little.
  5. Remove from pan and reserve in a bowl.
  6. When the potatoes are ready. We cross section at the top and remove meat potato and put in the bowl previously reserved.
  7. Mix the ingredients in the bowl well and add bechamel to taste. We return to mix.
  8. Fill the potatoes with our mix and put a little more above bechamel.
  9. As we put the topping albums goat cheese and sprinkle some rosemary.
  10. Introduced to the oven for about 10 minutes to take temperature again and ready to serve and enjoy.


Remember that if you try our recipes we will love to know what you think 🙂


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