Tartlets with pistachio cream and avocado

Tartlets with pistachio cream and avocado

Today a base tartlets with amaranth and pistachio cream and avocado that are delicious and healthier we bring impossible. Moreover the mass to prepare the base also serves to you an energy pellets.


Amaranth is a pseudo cereal rich in protein, fiber, calcium and magnesium. So it can be a very good choice and if you also prepare a recipe with nuts, dates and avocado… we can say that this dessert is healthy 100%.


Let the recipe!


Tartlets with pistachio cream and avocado




For the base:

  • 20g amaranth
  • 100g walnuts
  • 40g almonds
  • 100g dates raw deboned
  • 50g honey
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa
  • 10g virgin coconut oil (at room temperature)


For the topping:

  • 70g pistachios
  • 100g anacardos
  • 1 avocado
  • 1 Greek yogurt
  • 2 tablespoons honey dates:
    • 200g dates raw deboned
    • 300ml water






  1. Crush amaranth, the nuts, almonds and dates in a food processor or powerful mixer until a homogeneous mixture we chip, or if we want to be thinner the dough more we can give you a few taps with mixer.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients and give a few more blows with the mixer to mix everything well.
  3. In a container for muffins, Cover with plastic film and put each cavity of the base mass to form tartaletas.
  4. We fridge and leave a few hours to stay firm tartlet.

Note: As I said at the beginning, You can use this same mass to create energy pellets. Just take small portions of dough and go shaping with hands and bring to the refrigerator for a few hours.



  1. First we prepare honey dates. We dates and water in a blender and grind until a fully homogeneous mixture is no bits and reserved. In this recipe, you can see how it looks: date honey.
  2. Back in the blender put pistachios and cashews and we slowly grinding at medium speed until we get that nuts loosen the oil and start a cream created (Peanut butter type). It is possible that you have to stop the machine from time to time and go down the remains stay in the glass and repeat the process, but within minutes it is ready.
  3. Add the avocado, yogurt and two tablespoons of honey dates we had booked. We beat until smooth cream and carry our the fridge for a few hours.



  1. We unmold the tartlets with a spoon or pastry bag put over our topping. Ready to eat and surprise your guests!





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