Chickpeas and spinach omelet

Chickpeas and spinach omelet

Today's recipe is very simple, specifically designed for when you do not have much time, but you want to eat well. This time, instead a classic omelette, ponéroslo want easy with this fast chickpeas and spinach omelet. You just need:


INGREDIENTS chickpeas and spinach omelet


Chickpeas and spinach omelet



Chickpeas and spinach omelet


  1. Strain and clarify the contents of the pot.
  2. We put it in a bowl and with the help of a fork we mashing chickpeas.
  3. We beat the eggs and mix with chickpeas and spinach from the previous step. Add a pinch of salt if desired. reserve.
  4. Grate cheese. reserve.
  5. Put the mixture in a pan and when it starts to become egg flip. (We have done 3 small tortillas in a pan 14cm diameter, but can form a larger tortilla into a larger pan.)
  6. For mounting layered: put the first tortilla and over half the grated cheese previously reserved, put the second and half of the cheese on top and finally, Putting up the third.


Note 1: If you like undercooked omelette, a good trick is to put the mixture in the refrigerator (before taking to the pan) for a while to cool down.

Note 2: If you decide to do 1 single biggest omelette, you can put the cheese on top and add to fresh before bringing the mixture to the pan.


As you see it is an easy and healthy alternative. We hope you feel encouraged to prepare and enjoy it as much as we. Happy weekend!


Chickpeas and spinach omelet with cheese




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